Candlelight Yin with Crystal Bowl Savasana

All Experience Levels

Yin yoga is a deep, quiet, contemplative practice of awareness and stillness where you will explore the more subtle layers of the body and breath. This style of yoga develops and maintains suppleness in the muscles as well as the joints, increases strength and vitality in all systems of the body, cultivates sensitivity, and re-balances and refines the energy body. Postures range from passive to mildly active, focusing on the connective tissues of the hips, thighs, pelvis, and lower spine, and are held for around 3-5 minutes each. This style of yoga is a perfect complement to a more yang practice (vinyasa) or great for athletes looking for more suppleness and an improved range of motion.

Crystal Bowls will be played at the end of each class to enhance your relaxation in Savasana. Expect to release the deeply held tension in your body, mind, and spirit so you can head home completely “blissed out” and ready for a good night’s sleep.